site meta
What's this page for? Mostly for my own quick reference because I'm a forgetful individual. I'll be storing things like hex codes for my colour schemes, probably div sizes and things like that. Could I store those somewhere else? Sure, but I'm using this website like a scrap journal. (Which makes me think... maybe I could try designing a page theme like that?)
notes to self
- background colour is #fff8e8
- main text colour is #131d1f
- the pink is #F8BAA2
- the blue is #78BAC0
- navbar link colour is #ffffe8
- navbar link hover is #f8f8a2
- navbar 'current heading' colour is #fce24c
- sidebar nav links are #ffd677
- sidebar regular hover links are #e8bc56
- sidebar regular visited links are #ab3c72